

高島賞は学術奨励を目的として、本会の優秀な若手研究者に贈呈される賞です。高島賞規程および高島賞細則に則って、高島賞選考委員会によって選考されます。高島賞選考の評価事項に関する申し合わせについては こちら をご覧ください。

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※ 高島賞受賞記念講演タイトル一覧は こちら でご覧いただけます。
※ 過去の高島賞選考委員の一覧は こちら をご覧ください。


糸井川壮大(明治大学 学振PD)

Lee Wanyi(国立台湾大学)









※ 適用される規程の変更により、2022年度より研究課題名を掲載しています。


  1. Yuri Kawaguchi, Hika Kuroshima, Kazuo Fujita (2019) Age categorization of conspecific and heterospecific faces in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus apella). Journal of Comparative Psychology 133, 502–511.
  2. Yuri Kawaguchi, Fumihiro Kano, Masaki Tomonaga (2019) Chimpanzees, but not bonobos, attend more to infant than adult conspecifics. Animal Behaviour 154, 171-181. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2019.06.014.
  3. Yuri Kawaguchi, Koyo Nakamura, Masaki Tomonaga (2020) Colour matters more than shape for chimpanzees’ recognition of developmental face changes. Scientific Reports 10. https://doi.org/ 10.1038/s41598-020-75284-2.


  1. Shintaro Ishizuka, Yoshi Kawamoto, Tetsuya Sakamaki, Nahoko Tokuyama, Kazuya Toda, Hiroki Okamura, Takeshi Furuichi (2018) Paternity and kin structure among neighbouring groups in wild bonobos at Wamba. Royal Society Open Science 5: 171006. DOI:10.1098/rsos.171006
  2. Shintaro Ishizuka, Yoshi Kawamoto, Kazuya Toda, Takeshi Furuichi (2019) Bonobos’ saliva remaining on the pith of terrestrial herbaceous vegetation can serve as non‑invasive wild genetic resources. Primates 60: 7-13.
  3. Shintaro Ishizuka, Kazuya Toda, Takeshi Furuichi (2019) Genetic analysis of migration pattern of female bonobos (Pan paniscus) among three neighboring groups. International Journal of Primatology. DOI:10.1007/s10764-019-00106-w




  1. Katsu N, Yamada K, Nakamichi M (2016) Function of grunts, girneys and coo calls of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in relation to call usage, age and dominance relationships. Behaviour 153: 125-142. doi: 10.1163/1568539X-00003330
  2. Katsu N, Yamada K, Nakamichi M (2017) Influence of social interactions with nonmother females on the development of call usage in Japanese macaques. Animal Behaviour 123: 267-276. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.11.009
  3. Katsu N, Yamada K, Nakamichi M (2017) Vocalizations during post-conflict affiliations from victims toward aggressors based on uncertainty in Japanese macaques. PLoS ONE: 12: e0178655. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178655
  4. Katsu N, Yamada K, Nakamichi M (2017) Functions of post-conflict affiliation with a bystander differ between aggressors and victims in Japanese macaques. Ethology 124: 94-104. doi: 10.1111/eth.12707

山梨裕美(京都市動物園 生き物・学び・研究センター・主席研究員/京都大学野生動物研究センター・特任研究員)
  1. Yamanashi Y, Teramoto, M, Morimura N, Hirata S, Suzuki J, Hayashi M, Kinoshita K, Inoue-Murayama M, Idani G (2016) Analysis of hair cortisol levels in captive chimpanzees: effect of various methods on cortisol stability and variability. MethodsX 3: 110-117. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2016.01.004
  2. Yamanashi Y, Teramoto M, Morimura N, Hirata S, Inoue-Murayama M, Idani G (2016) Effects of relocation and individual and environmental factors on the long-term stress levels in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): monitoring hair cortisol and behaviors. PLoS ONE 11: e0160029. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160029
  3. Yamanashi Y, Nogami E, Teramoto M, Morimura N, Hirata S (2018) Adult-adult social play in captive chimpanzees: is it indicative of positive animal welfare? Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 199: 75-83. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2017.10.006
  4. Yamanashi Y, Teramoto M, Nogami E, Morimura N, Hirata S (2018) Social relationship and hair cortisol level in captive male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Primates 59: 145-192. doi: 10.1007/s10329-017-0641-8
  5. Yamanashi Y, Matsunaga M, Shimada K, Kado R, Tanaka M (2016) Introducing tool-based feeders to zoo-housed chimpanzees as a cognitive challenge: spontaneous acquisition of new types of tool use and effects on behaviours and use of space. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research 4: 1-9. doi: https://doi.org/10.19227/jzar.v4i3.235




  1. Ueno M, Yamada K, Nakamichi M (2014) The effect of solicitations on grooming exchanges among female Japanese macaques in Katsuyama. Primates 55: 81-87.
  2. Ueno M, Yamada K, Nakamichi M (2014) Maternal responses to a 1-year-old male offspring with severe injury in a free-ranging group of Japanese macaques. Primate Research 30: 157-162.
  3. Ueno M, Yamada K, Nakamichi M (2015) Emotional states after grooming interactions in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Journal of Comparative Psychology 129: 394-401.


  1. Ito T, Nishimura TD, Hamada Y, Takai M (2015) Contribution of the maxillary sinus to the modularity and variability of nasal cavity shape in Japanese macaques. Primates 56: 11-19.
  2. Ito T, Nishimura T, Takai M (2014) Ecogeographical and phylogenetic effects on craniofacial variation in macaques. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 154: 27-41.
  3. Ito T, Nishimura TD, Ebbestad JOR, Takai M (2014) Computed tomography examination of the face of Macaca anderssoni (Early Pleistocene, Human, northern China): implications for the biogeographic history of Asian macaques. Journal of Human Evolution 72: 64-80.

  1. Enari H, Koike S, Sakamaki H (2013) Influence of different large mammalian fauna on dung beetle diversity in beech forests. Journal of Insect Science Paper #54.
  2. Enari H, Sakamaki-Enari H (2013) Influence of heavy snow on the feeding behavior of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in northern Japan. American Journal of Primatology 25: 534-544.
  3. Enari H, Sakamaki-Enari H (2013) Resource use of Japanese macaques in heavy snowfall areas: implications for habitat management. Primates 54: 259-269.
  4. 江成広斗 (2013) 東日本におけるニホンザルの分布変化に影響する社会・環境要因.哺乳類科学 53: 123-130.
  5. Enari H, Sakamaki-Enari H (2014) Impact assessment of dam construction and forest management for Japanese macaque habitats in snowy areas. American Journal of Primatology 76: 271-280.
  6. Enari H, Sakamaki-Enari H (2014) Synergistic effects of primates and dung beetles on soil seed accumulation in snow regions. Ecological Research 69: 653-660.
  7. Enari H (2014) Snow tolerance of Japanese macaques inhabiting high-latitude mountainous forests of Japan. Grow NB et al. (eds) High Altitude Primates


  1. Inoue E (2012) Male masturbation behaviour of Japanese macaques in Arashiyama E troop. In: Leca JB, Huffman MA, Vasey PL, editors. The Monkeys of Stormy Mountain: 60 Years of Primatological Research on the Japanese Macaques of Arashiyama. Cambridge University Press, pp: 204-220.
  2. 井上英治 (2012) DNAが解き明かす霊長類の繁殖と社会.『生き物たちのつづれ織り』阿形清和, 森哲監修,井上敬, 高井正成, 高林純示, 船山典子, 村山美穂編, 京都大学学術出版会, pp. 186-196.
  3. Inoue E, Tashiro Y, Ogawa H, Inoue-Murayama M, Nishida T, Takenaka O. (2013) Gene flow and genetic diversity of chimpanzees in Tanzanian habitats. Primate Conservation 26: 67-74.
  4. Inoue E, Akomo-Okoue EF, Ando C, Iwata Y, Judai M, Fujita S, Hongo S, Nze-Nkogue C, Inoue-Murayama M, Yamagiwa J (2013) Male genetic structure and paternity in western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 151:583-588..
  5. 井上英治・中川尚史・南正人 (2013)『野生動物の行動観察法―実践日本の哺乳類学』, 東京大学出版会.

  1. Sato H (2012) Frugivory and seed dispersal by brown lemurs in a Malagasy tropical dry forest. Biotropica 44: 479-488.
  2. Sato H (2012) Diurnal resting in brown lemurs in a dry deciduous forest, northwestern Madagascar: Implications for seasonal thermoregulation. Primates 53: 255-263.
  3. 佐藤宏樹 (2012) キツネザルの昼と夜の行動の謎を解く. 『日本のサル学のあした―霊長類研究という「人間学」の可能性』中川尚史, 友永雅己, 山極寿一編, 京都通信社, pp106-111.
  4. Sato H (2013) Seasonal fruiting and seed dispersal by the brown lemur in a tropical dry forest, northwestern Madagascar. Journal of Tropical Ecology 29: 61-69.
  5. Sato H (2013) Habitat shifting by the common brown lemur (Eulemur fulvus fulvus): a response to food scarcity. Primates 54: 229-235.
  6. Sato H, Ichino H, Hanya, G (2014) Dietary modification by common brown lemurs (Eulemur fulvus fulvus) during seasonal drought conditions in western Madagascar. Primates 55: 219-230.(電子媒体として2013年11月12日に公開)


  1. Koda H, Nishimura T, Tokuda TI, Oyakawa C, Nihonmatsu K, Masataka N (2012) Soprano singing in gibbons. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 149: 347-355.
  2. Koda H, Oyakawa C, Nurulkamilah S, Rizaldi, Sugiura H, Bakar A, Masataka N (2012) Male Replacement and Stability of Territorial Boundary in a Group of Agile Gibbons. Primates, 53: 327-332.
  3. Koda H (2012) Possible use of heterospecific food-associated calls of macaques by sika deer for foraging efficiency. Behavioural Processes, 91(5): 30-34.
  4. Sato A, Koda H, Lemasson A, Nagumo S, Masataka N (2012) Visual recognition of age class and preference for infantile features: implications for species-specific vs universal cognitive traits in primates. PLoS ONE 7(5): e38387.
  5. 香田啓貴, 2012. 霊長類のコミュニケーションとその進化.『新・霊長類学のすすめ』霊長類研究所編,丸善.
  6. 香田啓貴, 2012. 「歌」を歌うサル-テナガザルの多様な音声. 『生き物たちのつづれ織り(上)多様性と普遍性が彩る生物模様』阿形清和, 森哲監修, 井上啓, 高井正成, 高林純示, 船山典子, 村山美穂編, 京都大学学術出版会, pp. 11-15.

  1. MacIntosh AJJ, Alados CL, Huffman MA (2011) Fractal analysis of behaviour in a wild primate: behavioural complexity in health and disease. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 8: 1497-1509.
  2. MacIntosh AJJ, Jacobs A, Garcia C, Shimizu K, Mouri K, Huffman MA, Hernandez AD (2012) Monkeys in the middle: parasite transmission through the social network of a wild primate. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51144.


  1. Kano F, Tomonaga M (2010) Face scanning in chimpanzees and humans: Continuity and discontinuity. Anim Behav. 79: 227-235.
  2. Kano F, Tomonaga, M (2011) Perceptual mechanism underlying gaze guidance in chimpanzees and humans. Anim Cogn. 14: 377-386.
  3. Kano F, Tomonaga, M (2011) Species difference in the timing of gaze movement between chimpanzees and humans. Anim Cogn. 14: 879-892.
  4. Kano F, Hirata S, Call J, Tomonaga M (2011) The visual strategy specific to humans among hominids; A study using gap-overlap paradigm. Vision Res. 51: 2348-2355.

  1. Tsuji Y (2011) Sleeping site preferences of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata): the importance of nonpredatory factors. J. Mamm. 92: 1261-1269.
  2. Tsuji Y (2011) Seed dispersal by Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in western Tokyo, Japan: a preliminary report. Mamm. Study 36: 165-168.
  3. Tsuji Y, Sato K, Sato Y (2011) The role of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) as endozoochorous seed dispersers on Kinkazan Island, northern Japan. Mamm. Biol. 76: 525-533.
  4. Tsuji Y, Morimoto M, Matsubayashi K (2010) Effects of the physical characteristics of seeds on gastrointestinal passage time in captive Japanese macaques. J. Zool. 280: 171-176.
  5. Tsuji Y, Yangozene K, Sakamaki T (2010) Estimation of seed dispersal distance by the bonobo, Pan paniscus, in a tropical forest in Democratic Republic of Congo. J. Trop. Ecol. 26: 115-118.
  6. Tsuji Y (2010) Regional, temporal, and inter-individual variation in the feeding ecology of Japanese macaques. In: Nakagawa N, Nakamichi M, and Sugiura H (Eds.) Japanese Macaques. Springer, Tokyo. pp. 95-123.


  1. Matsuda I, Tuuga A, Higashi S (2009) The feeding ecology and activity budget of proboscis monkeys. American Journal of Primatology 71: 478-492.
  2. Matsuda I, Tuuga A, Higashi S (2009) Ranging behavior of proboscis monkeys in a riverine forest with special reference to ranging in inland forest. International Journal of Primatology 30:313-325.
  3. Matsuda I, Kubo T, Tuuga A, Higashi S (2009) A Bayesian analysis of the temporal change of local density of proboscis monkeys: implications for environmental effects on a multilevel society. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142: 235-245.

  1. Yamamoto S, Tanaka M (2009) How did altruistic cooperation evolve in humans? Perspectives from experiments on chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Interaction Studies 10 (2): 150-182.
  2. Yamamoto S, Tanaka M (2009) Do chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) spontaneously take turns in a reciprocal task? Journal of Comparative Psychology 123 (3): 242-249.
  3. Yamamoto S, Tanaka M (2009) Selfish strategies develop in social problem situations in chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) mother-infant pairs. Animal Cognition 12 (S1): 27-36.
  4. Yamamoto S, Humle T, Tanaka M (2009) Chimpanzees help each other upon request. PLoS ONE 4 (10): e7416.doi:10 1371/journal.pone007416.
  5. Yamamoto S, Tanaka M (2010) The influence of kin relationship and reciprocal context on chimpanzees' other-regarding preferences. Animal Behaviour 79 (3), 595-602.
  6. 山本真也 (2010) 要求に応えるチンパンジー: 利他・互恵性の進化的基盤. 心理学評論 53(3), 422‐433.


  1. Hiramatsu C, Melin AD, Aureli F, Schaffner CM, Vorobyev M, Matsumoto Y, Kawamura S (2008) Importance of achromatic contrast in short-range fruit foraging of primates. PLos ONE 3(10): e3356.
  2. Hiramatsu C, Melin AD, Aureli F, Schaffner CM, Vorobyev M, Kawamura S (2009) Interplay of olfaction and vision in fruit foraging of spider monkeys. Animal Behaviour, 77 (6): 1421-1426.


  1. Hirata S, Fuwa K (2007) Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) learn to act with other individuals in a cooperative task. Primates 48: 13-21.
  2. Hirata S (2007) A note on the responses of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) to live self-images on television monitors. Behavioral Processes 75: 85-90.
  3. Hirata S (2007) Competitive and cooperative aspects of social intelligence in chimpanzees. The Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology 57: 29-40.


  1. Kutsukake N (2006) The context and quality of social relationships affect vigilance behaviour in wild chimpanzees. Ethology 112: 581-591.
  2. Kutsukake N, Suetsugu N, Hasegawa T (2006) Pattern, distribution, and function of greeting behaviour among black-and-white colobus. International Journal of Primatology 27: 1271-1291.
  3. Kutsukake N, Nunn CL (2006) Comparative tests of reproductive skew in male primates: the roles of demographic factors and incomplete control. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 60: 695-706.
  4. Kutsukake N (2007) Conspecific influences on vigilance behaviour in wild chimpanzees. International Journal of Primatology 28: 907-918.


  1. Nakayama K, Ishida T (2006) Alu-mediated 100-kb deletion in the primate genome: The loss of the agouti signaling protein gene in the lesser apes. Genome Research 16: 485-490.


  1. Egi N, Takai M, Tsubamoto T, Maung M, Sein C, Shigehara N. (in press) Additional materials of Myanmarpithecus yarshensis (Amphipithecidae, Primates) from the middle Eocene Pondaung Formation. Primates.(2005年10月 online first publication)
  2. Egi N, Takai M, Shigehara N, Tsubamoto T (2004) Body mass estimates for Eocene eosimiid and amphipithecid primates using prosimian and anthropoid scaling models. International Journal of Primatology, 25: 211-236.
  3. Egi N, Tun ST, Takai M, Shigehara N, Tsubamoto T (2004) Geographical and body size distributions of the Pondaung primates with a comment on the taxonomic assignment of NMMP 20, postcranium of an amphipithecid. Anthropological Science, 112: 67-74.
  4. Egi N, Holroyd PA, Tsubamoto T, Soe AN, Takai M, Ciochon RL (2005) Proviverrine hyaenodontids (Creodonta: Mammalia) from the Eocene of Myanmar and phylogenetic analysis of the proviverrines from the Para-Tethys area. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 3: 337-358.


  1. Hanya G, Yoshihiro S, Zamma K, Kubo R, Takahata Y (2003) New method to census primate groups: estimating group density of Japanese macaques by point census. American Journal of Primatology, 60: 43-56.
  2. Hanya G, Yoshihiro S, Zamma K, Matsubara H, Ohtake M, Kubo R, Noma N, Agetsuma N, Takahata Y (2004) Environmental determinants of the altitudinal variations in relative group densities of the Japanese macaques on Yakushima. Ecological Research. 19: 485-493.
  3. Hanya G (2004) Diet of Japanese macaque troop in the coniferous forest of Yakushima. International Journal of Primatology, 25: 55-71.
  4. Hanya G (2004) Seasonal variations in the activity budget of Japanese macaques in the coniferous forest of Yakushima: effects of food and temperature. American Journal of Primatology, 63: 165-177.

  1. Myowa-Yamakoshi M, Tomonaga M, Tanaka M, Matsuzawa T (2003) Preference for human direct gaze in infant chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Cognition, 89, B53-B64.
  2. Myowa-Yamakoshi M, Tomonaga M, Tanaka M, Matsuzawa T (2004) Imitation in neonatal chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Developmental Science, 7: 437-442.
  3. Myowa-Yamakoshi M, Yamaguchi M, Tomonaga M, Tanaka M, Matsuzawa T (2005 published online in December 2004) Development of face recognition in infant chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Cognitive Development, 20: 49-63.
  4. 明和政子 2004. 『なぜ「まね」をするのか』 河出書房新書, 172頁.


  1. Nishimura T (2003) Comparative morphology of the hyo-laryngeal complex in anthropoids: two steps in the evolution of the descent of the larynx. Primates, 44: 41-49.
  2. Nishimura T, Mikami A, Suzuki J, Matsuzawa T (2003) Descent of the larynx in the chimpanzee infants. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of USA., 100: 6930-6933.


  1. Nakamura M (2002) Grooming-handclasp in Mahale M group chimpanzees: implication for culture in social behaviors. In: Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos (Boesch C, Hohmann G, Marchant LF Eds.) Cambridge University Press, pp. 71-83.
  2. 中村美知夫 (2002) 集まりとなる毛づくろい. 『マハレのチンパンジー』西田利貞, 上原重男, 川中健二編, 京都大学学術出版会, pp. 345-367.
  3. Nakamura M (2003) Gatherings" of social grooming among wild chimpanzees: implications for evolution of sociality. Journal of Human Evolution, 44: 59-71.


  1. Okamoto K, Matsumura S, Watanabe K (2002) Life history and demography of wild moor macaques (Macaca maurus): Summary of ten years of observations. American Journal of Primatology, 52: 1-11.
  2. Okamoto K, Matsumura S (2001) Group fission in Moor macaques (Macaca maurus). International Journal of Primatology, 22): 481-493.
  3. Okamoto K, Matsumura S (2001) The evolution of punishment and apology: an iterated prisoner's dilemma model. Evolutionary Ecology, 14: 703-720.
  4. 岡本暁子 (2002) 個体の論理、群の論理―霊長類における個体間の協力的な関係. 『霊長類生態学―環境と行動のダイナミズム』杉山幸丸編著, 京都大学学術出版会, pp. 405-423.

  1. Nakai M (2001) Vertebral age changes in Japanese macaques. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 116: 59-65.


  1. Kawai N, Matsuzawa T (2000) Numerical memory span in a chimpanzee. Nature, 403: 39-40.
  2. 川合伸幸 (2000) チンパンジーによる数系列の理解と推移率の関係. 認知科学, 7: 202-209.
  3. Kawai N, Matsuzawa T (2000) A conventional approach to chimpanzee cognition: Response to M. D. Hauser. Trends in Cognitive Science, 4: 128-129.

  1. 小田亮 (1999)『サルのことば 比較行動学からみた言語の進化』, 京都大学学術出版会.(1999年4月出版)


  1. 中村紳一郎、木村展之、中山裕之、小野文子、榊原一兵、土井邦雄、吉川泰弘 (1998) カニクイザルにおけるアルツハイマー病に関連する病変の病理組織学的研究. 霊長類研究, 14: 83-87.
  2. Nakamura S, Nakayama H, Goto N, Ono F, Sakakibara I, Yoshikawa Y (1998) Histopathological studies on senile plaques and cerebral amyloidoses in aged cynomolgus monkeys. J. Med. Primatol., 27: 244-252.

  1. Yamakoshi G (1998) Dietary responses to fruit scarcity of wild chimpanzees at Bossou, Guinea: Possible implications for ecological importance of tool use. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 106: 283-295.

1999年度日本霊長類学会高島賞(第8回学術奨励賞) (本年度より名称変更)

Michael A. Huffman(京都大学霊長類研究所)
  1. Huffman MA, Gotoh S, Turner LA, Hamai M, Yoshida K (1997) Seasonal trends in intestinal nematode infection and medicinal plant use among chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania. Primates, 38: 111-125.
  2. Huffman MA (1997) Current evidence for self-medication in primates: A multidisciplinary perspective. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 40: 171-200.
  3. Huffman MA, Ohigashi H, Kawanaka M, Page JE, Kirby GC, Gasquet M, Murakami A, Koshimizu K (1998) African great ape self-medication: A new paradigm for treating parasite disease with natural medicines? In: Towards Natural Medicine Research in the 21st Century, Ageta H, Aimi N, Ebizuka Y, Fujita T, Honda G (eds.), Excerpta Medica, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, pp. 113–123.


  1. Hashimoto C (1995) Population census of the chimpanzees in the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda: Comparison between methods with nest counts. Primates 36: 477-488.
  2. Hashimoto C, Takenaka O, Furuichi T (1996) Matrilineal kin relationship and social behavior of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus): Sequencing the D-loop region of mitochondrial DNA. Primates, 37: 305-318.
  3. Hashimoto C (1997) Context and development of sexual behavior of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba, Zaire. International Journal of Primatology, 18: 1-21.




  1. Nakamichi M, Kojima Y, Itoigawa N, Imakawa S, Machida S (1995) Interactions among adult males and females before and after the death of the alpha male in a free-ranging troop of Japanese macaques. Primates, 36(3), 385-396.
  2. Nakamichi M, Itoigawa N, Imakawa S, Machida S (1995) Dominance relations among adult females in a free‐ranging group of Japanese monkeys at Katsuyama. American journal of primatology, 37(3), 241-251.

David A. Hill(サセックス大学)
  1. Hill DA (1994) Affiliative behaviour between adult males of the genus Macaca. Behaviour, 130(3-4), 293-308.
  2. Hill DA, Agetsuma N, Suzuki S (1994) Preliminary survey of relative group density of Macaca fuscata yakui in relation to logging history at seven sites in Yakushima, Japan. 霊長類研究, 10(2), 85-93.
  3. Hill DA, Agetsuma N (1995) Supra‐annual variation in the influence of Myrica rubra fruit on the behavior of a troop of Japanese macaques in Yakushima. American Journal of Primatology, 35(3), 241-250.
  4. Hill DA, Lucas PW, Cheng PY (1995) Bite forces used by Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) on Yakushima Island, Japan to open aphid‐induced galls on Distylium racemosum (Hamamelidaceae). Journal of Zoology, 237(1), 57-63.
  5. Hill DA, Okayasu N (1995) Absence of'youngest ascendancy'in the dominance relations of sisters in wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui). Behaviour, 132(5-6), 367-379.


  1. 中川尚史 (1994) 『サルの食卓(採食生態学入門)』, 平凡社.(1994年5月出版)


  1. Tanaka I (1992) Three phases of lactation in free-ranging Japanese macaques. Animal Behaviour, 44(1), 129-139.
  2. Tanaka I, Hayama S, Nigi H (1993) Milk secretion in pregnancy among free‐ranging Japanese macaques. American journal of primatology, 30(2), 169-174.
  3. Tanaka I, Takefushi H (1993) Elimination of external parasites (lice) is the primary function of grooming in free-ranging Japanese macaques. Anthropological Science, 101(2), 187-193.


  1. Ihobe H (1992) Male-male relationships among wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba, Republic of Zaire. Primates, 32: 163-179.(1992年4月発行)

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