【情報】Primate Eponymous Names Survey:調査ご協力のお願い(2022/5/1 掲載)
Primate Eponymous Names Survey
Dear member of the primatological community,
We, the undersigned, represent an inter-institutional team of primatologists working on a larger project on the history of primate naming. We are keen to have your input.
To that end, we invite you to complete a short survey (here). This survey was designed to understand the beliefs, knowledge, and attitudes of members of the primatological community regarding eponymous primate names (i.e., names that honor specific people). A move to reassess eponyms has been made in multiple disciplines including ornithology and medicine. With the data from this survey, we hope to further this conversation in primatology. All data collected will be anonymous.
This survey consists of 15 multiple choice questions with optional free response options that provide space to elaborate on key aspects of the survey. It should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. No identifying information will be collected.
The results of this survey will be published in a primatology journal, such as the International Journal of Primatology.
We value your input and thank you for your time,
David Watts
Jane Widness
Katherine Meier
Jo Setchell
Survey link: