IPSのグラントの公募が開始されました(2022/4/8 締切)
1. The Charles Southwick Conservation Education Commitment Award
We want to encourage all our membership that work in the field to nominate that fellow primatologist living in primate habitat countries that have made a significant contribution to formal and/or informal conservation education in their country for the Charles Southwick Conservation Education Commitment Award. This award was created in honor of Dr. Southwick's deep involvement with Conservation Education throughout his career as a field primatologist. The amount of the award is $2,000: $1500 will be given directly to the recipient and $500 will be given in the recipient’s name to a project of their choosing in their community. In this way, IPS and the Southwick family intend to stimulate local communities to develop Education Conservation programs and help protect their neighbour nonhuman primates.
The deadline for nominations is
April 8th, 2022
2. Galante Family Winery Conservation Scholarship
We are soliciting proposals from citizens of primate habitat countries for the Galante Family Winery Conservation Scholarship. The scholarship monies (up to $2500) are to be used for primate conservation education and training. This may include such activities as transportation to a training course or educational program, course or event fees (including online courses or workshops BUT not conferences), and/or expenses during the event period. Please note that this scholarship is not intended for the purpose of attending the IPS congress or the IPS pre-training congress programme.
The deadline for applications is
April 8th, 2022